Bus driver's case continued13:29
Women twice as likely to take charge of building projects, says FMB13:02
Shoppers urged to buy Scottish amid '˜rotten' Brazilian meat claims14:48
Teenager had sex with girl, 1415:26
OAP on sex offenders' list12:56
People are being urged to be Healthwise this Easter09:25
Major hillwalking show in Glasgow this weekend12:44
Lord of the Dance returns to Scotland with new show15:20
Hawick woman on trial for embezzlement15:20
One in four Scottish millennials care more about their body image than career15:55
Sentence deferred for Hawick cannabis cultivator14:02
Rain can't spoil the Bandits' party08:45
Man and woman remanded in custody after facing attempted murder charge15:42
Sentence date for knifeman16:15
Watch millions of new 12-sided £1 coins being produced at Royal Mint11:25
Limpers duo in action in north east trail run10:10
Reivers hit city rivals for six in bid to retain Premier title10:55
Knightly performances will have you rolling in the aisles16:12
Six groups to share £45,000 Lotto payout14:18
Witnesses to Peebles mountain bike thefts urged to call police13:14
Huntsmen '˜wanted hounds to kill fox'11:14
Buccleuch Arms stands out for rural hospitality