Theatre review: Rapid Departure, MacArts, Galashiels16:20
Farmers protest hitsHolyrood14:39
Three cold-callers arrested14:14
Fancy a pair of Queen Victoria's stained breeks?12:22
Warning that flu is currently rife across the Borders11:59
New web page for '˜ethical' book sales11:35
Insecticide withdrawal concern11:29
Local businesses add to region's tourist appeal11:00
Shortage of staff nurses takes its toll10:58
Duns man leads way in growing businesses09:52
WATCH: Vicky weaves herself into Borders textile history10:00
Tree of knowledge at Earlston10:01
Town's hospital plans to go on view09:24
Horse racing: Duke of Buccleuch point-to-point good to go08:27
Why Kelso is on the BBC's weather map13:05
Kelso pupils' work of fictional characters08:04
District News05:30
Rugby: Swords are drawn for Saturday derby duel08:03
Farmers take CAP protests to Holyrood