More than 150 teams took part in the Scottish Borders Junior Football Association and Live Borders event, their 18th.
Live Borders chief executive Ewan Jackson was chuffed to bits about that turnout, saying: “The event continues to go from strength to strength and the festival plays a key role in encouraging primary school pupils to play and enjoy football.
“It was really rewarding to see so many young people engaging in competitive sport.
“The football festival is a fabulous showcase of football at all levels, from playing for fun for the six-year-old to the nine-versus-nine matches for the 12s age group.
“It takes our team months of hard work to organise the event and they and the wider team need to be commended. It’s a perfect fit with our vision to help make our communities healthier, happier and stronger.”
Scottish Football Association development officer and Live Borders team member Drew Kelly added: “I’d like to recognise the great work done by the Scottish Borders Junior Football Association, the football clubs, coaches, volunteers, parents and, of course, the young footballers.
“The festival’s success is always down to the commitment and support they give football development in the region.
“The festival continues to grow from year to year and the number of girls’ teams from the Borders, Edinburgh, East Lothian and Midlothian participating in their festival was a new record.”