Principals meet at Spurs night rideout

Friendly handshakes were exchanged and a stirrup cup enjoyed when Galashiels’ Braw Lad Cameron Pate, Braw Lass Abbie Frankland and Selkirk’s Royal Burgh Standard Bearer Scott Rodgerson met at the traditional Spurs Night rideout on Friday. Scott and his Burleymen forded the Tweed at the Abbot’s Ford for the meeting at Galafoot.
Riders were escorted into the town by Galashiels Ex-Servicemen’s Pipe Band for a short ceremony outside the Auld Mill which included a stirrup cup.
At the Gala Souters’ dinner, chairman George Emond presented the spurs.
Speakers included Selkirk Provost David Anderson and ex-Provost Jim Henderson.