Tidying up the river

Members of the Gala Waterways Group who tidied the riverbank at the Skinworks Cauld on Saturday.Members of the Gala Waterways Group who tidied the riverbank at the Skinworks Cauld on Saturday.
Members of the Gala Waterways Group who tidied the riverbank at the Skinworks Cauld on Saturday.
Members of the Gala Waterways Group continued their efforts of tidying up the river that flows through their town on Saturday.

Eight volunteers pruned willow trees on the left bank of the Gala Water downstream of the Skinworks Cauld near B&Q. They also removed a litter-bin and car wheel with tyre from the river, and collected four bin-bags (24 kg) of litter.

Volunteer Malcolm Lindsay said: "Volunteer work with the Waterways Group is a pleasure. Delighted to improve the appearance of the town, and improve my fitness at the same time.”

The group’s next workparty will be on Saturday, March 4. Email [email protected] for info.