Jedburgh road closures and speed restrictions on way as town goes on the run

William McBurnie: mob: 07740720063 - - e: [email protected] Queens Cottage, Jedburgh TD8 6EP
Road closures and parking restrictions will be in place in and around Jedburgh this weekend as hundreds of competitors take to its streets for the town’s annual running festival.

The A698 Jedburgh-to-Kelso road will be closed to traffic between 6am and 3pm on Sunday between Kalemouth and Bonjedward as it hosts part of the event’s wheelchair, six-mile and half-marathon races.

Drivers should follow diversions via the A698 at Kelso, along the A699 to St Boswells Green and the A68 to Jedburgh and vice versa.

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There will also be no parking allowed in Oxnam Road between the A68 junction at the swimming pool and Allerton Court during the same hours.

Abbey Place will be closed between 9.30am and 11.15am, with cars being diverted via the A68 and Canongate.

High Street will be closed from 10.45am to 11.30am.

A 30mph speed limit will also be in force along the A68 from Bonjedward to the 3omph signs at Riverside between 11am and 3pm.