And in a far cry from the home schooling going on at the moment, young pupils across the Borders were busy learning about biodiversity, recycling, science and gardening, Jethart and Langholm named their festival principals, businesses celebrated anniversaries, choirs were formed, competitions held and charity events thrived.

. Lab in a lorry
L-r, 2nd yr pupils James Scott, Adam Dickson and Claire Robertson all learn about science as the 'Lab in a Lorry' pulls into Peebles High School. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed

Murray Yourston, 2010 Jethart Callant Grant Davidson, Gary Pringle and Herald Gary Armstrong on declaration night. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed

. Campervan comp
L-r, Rowan and sister Daisey Cunningham winners of naming the campervan competition, which they called 'Bluebell' photographed together holding Bluebell flowers at Scott's View. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed

. Lauderdale Choir
Lauderdale Choir celebrated 30 members joining up at its first practice. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed

Stow Primary School pupils take to the great outdoors to learn about biodiversity. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed

Murray Yourston, 2010 Jethart Callant Grant Davidson, Gary Pringle and Herald Gary Armstrong on declaration night. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed

2. Campervan comp
L-r, Rowan and sister Daisey Cunningham winners of naming the campervan competition, which they called 'Bluebell' photographed together holding Bluebell flowers at Scott's View. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed

3. Lauderdale Choir
Lauderdale Choir celebrated 30 members joining up at its first practice. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed

Stow Primary School pupils take to the great outdoors to learn about biodiversity. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed