For the third week in a row they took to doorsteps, windows and front gardens to join their neighbours in making as much noise as possible to simultaneously salute our NHS and emergency workers, carers and all those helping the region keep going during the coronavirus lock down ... here’s our photos from Bill McBurnie and John Frater.
. supporting our NHS
The Bell family from Monteviot, Georgie, Felicity, Frankie, Ed and Tom out supporting our NHS | Bill McBurnie Photography, Jedburgh. Mob: 07740720063 Photo: Contributed
Dot Elliott from Jedburgh showing her support this Easter for the NHS | Bill McBurnie Photography, Jedburgh. Mob: 07740720063 Photo: Contributed
Support for Boris from Kilnknowe Caravan Park staff in Galashiels. | JPIMedia Photo: Contributed
. supporting our NHS
Ian and Angela Blain showing their support from their window at the Square in Kelso | Bill McBurnie Photography, Jedburgh. Mob: 07740720063 Photo: Contributed
Jill Chisholm with neighbours Clare Wylie, Sophie, Euan and Jessica Wood in Jedburgh. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed
Danny Howard and Jimmy Drummond ring the old Stow church bell at Galashiels’ Kilnknowe caravan park | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed
. supporting our NHS
Jill, Skye and Angus Ayton at Heiton | Bill McBurnie Photography, Jedburgh. Mob: 07740720063
. supporting our NHS
McKay family from Kelso, John, Lauren, Ross and Norma showing their support for the NHS | Bill McBurnie Photography, Jedburgh. Mob: 07740720063 Photo: Contributed
Kgomotso Webb,Social worker and George Webb, intensive care charge nurse at the BGH, from Jedburgh | Bill McBurnie Photography, Jedburgh. Mob: 07740720063 Photo: Contributed
Stacey Learmonth and her sons clap in Jedburgh. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed
Dot Elliott from Jedburgh showing her support this Easter for the NHS | Bill McBurnie Photography, Jedburgh. Mob: 07740720063 Photo: Contributed
Support for Boris from Kilnknowe Caravan Park staff in Galashiels. | JPIMedia Photo: Contributed
3. supporting our NHS
Ian and Angela Blain showing their support from their window at the Square in Kelso | Bill McBurnie Photography, Jedburgh. Mob: 07740720063 Photo: Contributed
Jill Chisholm with neighbours Clare Wylie, Sophie, Euan and Jessica Wood in Jedburgh. | Other 3rd Party Photo: Contributed