Getting set for a sale

Volunteers working for Borders furniture reuse charity Home Basics sort out items at its Walkerburn depot for a Christmas toy sale. The event will be held at St Andrews Leckie Hall in Peebles on Saturday, November 26, running from 10am-3pm.Volunteers working for Borders furniture reuse charity Home Basics sort out items at its Walkerburn depot for a Christmas toy sale. The event will be held at St Andrews Leckie Hall in Peebles on Saturday, November 26, running from 10am-3pm.
Volunteers working for Borders furniture reuse charity Home Basics sort out items at its Walkerburn depot for a Christmas toy sale. The event will be held at St Andrews Leckie Hall in Peebles on Saturday, November 26, running from 10am-3pm.
Volunteers working for Borders furniture reuse charity Home Basics sort out items at its Walkerburn depot for a Christmas toy sale.The event will be held at St Andrew's Leckie Hall in Peebles on Saturday, November 26, running from 10am-3pm.


Village hall fundraiser

Bedrule village hall will benefit when food from local producers and suppliers takes centre stage at Jedburgh Town Hall on Sunday, November 13, from 11am-4pm. This is an opportunity to taste, buy or order Christmas fare, as well as see chef demonstrations and marzipan workshops. Proceeds will go to the village hall.


Street pastors

An open meeting about street pastors will be held in the William Laidlaw Memorial Hall, Bonchester Bridge, on Wednesday, November 16, at 2pm. Organised by Hobkirk and Southdean, and Ruberslaw guilds, guest speaker is Duncan Cameron, organiser of Street Pastors in the Borders. It is hoped that the meeting will bring closer the introduction of street pastors in Hawick.


Community cafe

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The next community cafe will be held in the village hall at 11am on Wednesday, November 16.


Parish church

The Rev Elspeth Harley conducted the sacrament of holy communion on Sunday. The Bible reading was delivered by the Rev Jack Kellet and Andy Bird played the organ. Bible study this week is at the manse in Mossilee Road. The joint (with Trinity) social took place in the Kingsknowes Hotel on Friday night. There was entertainment from several members, including a quiz compiled by Mrs Harley. Sunday, November 13, is Remembrance Day when wreaths will be laid at the war memorial by different organisations after the morning service.


Coffee morning

There will be a pre-Christmas coffee morning in Cappercleuch Hall in aid of hall funds on Saturday, November 12 (10am-2pm).


Film night

The first film evening in recent years took place when more than 30 people attended the showing of Sunshine on Leith. Many thanks must go to Ron Anderson for the work he has put into making this event happen and also for free popcorn available for those who attended. Forms were given out so that people could give their views on the evening and also on what type of films they would like to see in the hall in future.


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Darnick Village Trust (DVT) held its final AGM in the village hall, attended by 25 residents. Ron Anderson took the chair and provided a resume of the trust’s work over the previous 12 months, including a wine and cheese evening, a Langlee Community Choir concert and the launch of Screen Darnick, the village film club. Treasurer John Pollitt indicated a healthy bank account. He also noted that more than £1,000 had been raised by the trust over the last two years for its chosen charity, Parkinson’s UK. This was the last trust AGM because it has converted to a new legal structure and has been renamed Darnick Village Development Trust (DVDT). Dave Potts was elected as the new chair and provided information on the reasons and process of conversion, explaining the wider remit of the new organisation. He looked forward to seeing greater resident involvement in village activity. DVDT currently has six directors and others were encouraged to come forward to join either as directors or to lead interest-based sub-groups. The meeting then invited Brian MacFarlane, assistant emergency planning officer with Scottish Borders Council, to make a presentation on Resilient Communities. Andrew Panter offered to be the local Darnick co-ordinator for this initiative. The meeting concluded with refreshments and the opportunity for more informal discussion.


Camera club

Allan ‘Buster’ Brown, from Berwick, provided an entertaining evening for members at their latest meeting. Talking of his time in the Marines, he gave a presentation of images taken during a spell in Antarctica, ranging from aerial photos taken on board a helicopter to close-up encounters with penguins and elephant seals. Allan judged the competition, titled Agriculture/Farming – print– 1, Adam Drummond; 2, Stephen Morris; 3, Curtis Welsh; digital – 1, Linsey Drummond; 2, Linsey Drummond; 3, Adam Drummond. The next club meeting takes place on Wednesday, November 16, when wildlife photographer Jonathon Gaunt, from Duns, will be guest speaker. The competition title is ‘Wildlife’. Visitors (£2) are welcome to attend at 7.30pm at Earlston bowling club.

Coffee morning

The Earlston branch of the Legion’s women’s section is holding a coffee morning in aid of ex-servicemen’s charities on Saturday, November 12, in Hanover Close.

Thursday lunch club

Mr R. Hall won the game of indoor golf at last Thursdsay’s gathering. After lunch, members were introduced to the Rev Marion Dodds who delivered a talk on her visit to Balmoral Castle as a minister. She also had all of her audience singing.

Parish church

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A total of 114 Blythswood shoeboxes are being sent to needy people in other countries. As well as goods for shoeboxes, knitted items and money to help with transport costs have also been donated. On Sunday, November 13, the remembrance service in the church at 9.30am will be conducted by minister Julie Rennick, followed by the act of remembrance in the Square at 10.50am.



A meeting of the SWI will be held in the village hall on Wednesday, November 16, at 7.30pm, when there will be a craft night, followed by the AGM (visitors/potential new members welcome). Members should remember their voting forms. Competitions – flower arrangement in a cup and saucer, and a teaspoon. October competition results were: Home-made napkin rings – 1. Dianne Wilson, 2. Margaret Marshall; Posy vase – 1. Dorothy Small, 2. Irene Scott.


Camera club

George Neilson spoke about his time as a sports photographer at last Wednesday night’s meeting. He showed a selection of his images, accompanied by useful hints and tips. This was followed by a question-and-answer session.

Waterways group

Last Saturday eight volunteers cut back vegetation on the left bank of the Gala Water and removed ivy from the north abutment of the Douglas Bridge. They also removed a traffic cone, car silencer, hub cap and 15kg of rubbish, including unopened bottles of beer. The work has improved the view of the Gala Water while maintaining vegetation cover for wildlife along the edge of the river. The group’s next work party will be on Saturday, December 3. For more information, contact Alastair Lings on 01896 757861 or [email protected].

St Peter’s church

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Thursday, November 10 – 10am, communion service; Sunday, November 13 – 9.30am, Sunday Squad, followed by juice and toast; 10.30am, remembrance service with ATC; 6pm, healing and anointing service; Monday, November 14 – 11am, communion service at Oakwood Park; Thursday, November 17 – 10am, communion service; Saturday, November 26 – St Peter’s soup ‘n’ pud lunch.

Trinity church

The Signing Choir from Albany Deaf Church in Edinburgh joined in worship on Sunday. They opened the service by signing to the hymn, “Be Still for the Presence of the Lord”. The minister and Dorothy Howden led the service and music respectively. For the first time the new audio visual system was used. Ruth Leckie read the Bible lessons. After the service the visitors from the Deaf Church enjoyed a cup of tea and sandwiches and cakes in the hall. The Remembrance Sunday service begins at 11.15am.



On Saturday, November 12, there is a dance to Susan MacFadyen and her Scottish Dance Band, starting at 7.30pm. BYO supper, tea/coffee/soft refreshments provided, no bar. The old-time and ceildh dance class is on (tonight) Thursday, with live music and tutor. It starts at 8pm, with a Reel Half Hour from 7.30pm. Beginners welcome.


A whist drive will be held on Monday, November 14, at 7.30pm.


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The open art exhibition hand-in day for all work is Monday, November 21 (1.30-2.30pm and 5-7pm).


A limited amount of tickets are on sale – contact John on the new community hotline, 01835 840625, or email [email protected]


Rotary club

Member Ron Smith’s talk to the latest meeting was entitled ‘Jumelage’, which turned out to mean town twinning and he outlined Hawick’s jumelaging with Ballieul in north-east France. In the period after the Second World War, working class Britons started to travel more to visit their friends in Europe and towns were linked-up. In 1973, Hawick formed a twinning with Ballieul which had certain similarities. The high school became involved and parties of pupils went abroad to stay with families there – and the deal was later recipcrocated. This later extended to the parents of pupils and then the general public. Through time interest waned as people travelled further afield and the school became involved in other projects, and recent efforts have been made to resurrect the link. A new organisation – Hawick International Welcome Group – was formed and Bailleul visited to retain the link. An International Day was held in Wilton Lodge Park in August, proving popular with continental Europeans who have made their homes in Hawick and elsewhere in the Borders.


Towford SWI

Andrew Simmons from Floors Castle gave a talk on plants and developments at the castle gardens. The competition for jar of chutney was won byDiana Tweedie with Ann Redpath recond. The winner of the annual points trophy for 2016 is Jean Douglas. The Ann Douglas Trophy this year was for three pieces of unbaked traybake and was won by Francis Armstrong. The next meeting is the Christmas dinner at the Carter’s Rest in Jedburgh on Tuesday, December 6, for 6.30pm.


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There will be a whist drive in the village hall on Tuesday, November 22, at 7.30pm in aid of the children’s Christmas party.


Remembrance Sunday

Morning worship is at 11.30am at Innerleithen Church, followed by an act of remembrance at the war memorial at 12.30pm.


Innerleithen and District Amateur Operatic Society will hold a craft fair and table-top sale in the Memorial Hall, Leithen Road, on Saturday, November 12, from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Countdown club

The Countdown Club will meet during November on Wednesdays 16th and 30th at 10.30am in Innerleithen Parish Church Hall of Friendship.

Games committee

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The next meeting of St Ronan’s Games Committee will take place on Wednesday, November 23, in the council chamber, Memorial Hall, at 7pm.

Coffee morning

St Ronan’s Border Games will hold a coffee morning on Saturday, November 26, in the Vale Club, running from 10am to noon.

Christmas fair

St Ronan’s Primary School’s Christmas fair will take place on Tuesday, November 29, in the school from 6-8pm.

Festive lights

The new switch-on date for Innerleithen Christmas lights is Sunday, December 11.


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Tickets are on sale for St Ronan’s Silver Band’s Christmas concert to be held on Saturday, December 17, in the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. They are available from Adam’s Baker and the Thrift Shop in Innerleithen, Robb’s KeyStore in Peebles, by phoing 01896 490510 or emailing [email protected].


Festive food

Food from local producers and suppliers will take centre stage at Jedburgh Town Hall on Sunday, November 13, from 11am-4pm. This is an opportunity to taste, buy or order Christmas fare, as well as see chef demonstrations and marzipan workshops. Proceeds from this event go to Bedrule Village Hall.

Bridge club

1, J. Urquhart and J. Kyle; 2, F. and M. Beaton; 3, D. Cessford and D. Gray; 4, D. and P. Palmer; 5, M. Weightman and H. Long.

St John’s Church

The choir’s rendition of Panis Angelicus, with words by St Thomas Aquinus set to music by Cesar Franck, was particularly beautiful at last Sunday’s eucharist. Holy communion will be celebrated today (Thursday) at 10am, with, if wished, study group in the centre at 10.45am. Remembrance Sunday – 9am, holy communion; 10.45am, ceremony at the war memorial; 11.15am, joint service at Jedburgh Old and Trinity Parish Church. Monday, November 14 – contemplative prayer meeting at Lynwood, Honeyfield Road, on the theme of remembrance and thanksgiving. Tuesday, November 15 – the vestry meets at 6pm in the centre. Wednesday, November 16 – sewing group meets in the Blue Room at 10am.


Thursday Group

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Members were greatly moved by Jane Pearn’s description of the work of the Mines Advisory Service, not just in Cambodia (which Jane knew), but also in so many other parts of the world left coping with landmines, cluster bomblets, anti-tank mines etc. It is slow work to clear an area, but the reward is land freed for cultivation and habitation. The sum of £91.67 was donated. Today sees Malcolm Ross and ‘Trekking Polar Bears’ at 2pm in Abbey Row Centre. Next week Tim Usher will talk about his grandfather in ‘A Warrior’s Life Remembered’.


Anna Huntley and the Waverley Band will present a concert of varied music based on folk, from Scotland to South America, on Sunday, November 20, at 7.30pm in Kelso Old Parish Church. Tickets on the door or online from

Bridge club

Abbey Salver – N/S – 1, Joyce Thomson and Helenor Pratt; 2, Dominic and Diana Alkin; 3, John Urquhart and Miles Browne; E/W – 1, Mary and Nigel Lindsay; 2, Sheena McPherson and Sheila Urquhart; 3, Jean Bunyan and Val Fairbairn. Calchou Cup – N/S – 1, Michael Horwood and Alison Ireland; 2, John Urquhart and Janet Kyle; 3, Jean McLaren and Ken Ross; E/W – 1, Gerry Eglington and Jon Bridger; 2, David Harris-Burland and Sheila Urquhart; 3, Alison Darling and Mary Logan.


Historical society

Lauderdale Historical Society meets on Wednesday, November 16, when Malcolm McVittie gives a presentation about John Maitland, first duke and second earl of Lauderdale (1616 -1682), who was not only an important political figure during the reigns of Charles I and Charles II, but one of local interest which continues to impact upon life in Lauder today. Visitors are welcome to attend the meeting in the Youth Trust Hall, starting at 7pm for 7.30pm.


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Lauderdale News AGM will be held on Monday, November 14, at 7 pm in the town hall. New members welcome.


On Sunday, November 13, acts of remembrance will take place at 10.50am at Lauder war memorial (followed by morning worship in Lauder Church) and also at 10.50am at Oxton War Memorial Hall (followed by morning worship in the hall). A soup and sandwich lunch is to be provided in Oxton Hall immediately after the service of remembrance for which a donation of £2.50 would be appreciated and which will also go towards the Earl Haig fund. Holy communion will be celebrated at Lauder Church on Sunday, November 27, at 11.30am and at South Garden, Lauder, also on Sunday, November 27, at 2.30pm.


Literary society

On Tuesday, November 22, Melrose Literary Society welcomes back Borders writer Allan Massie. On this occasion he will be talking about The Vichy Quartet, a series of four novels set in France during the German occupation. Society meetings start at 7.30pm, upstairs in the Ormiston Institute. Non-members welcome.

Parish church

Liz Mitchell read the lesson at Sunday morning’s family servi ce. Thursday, November 10 – 2.30pm, Guild, Iain Whyte on The Plan; Saturday, November 12 – 7.30pm. music society, Wihan String Quartet; Remembrance Sunday – 9.15am, Gattonside; 9.30am, Bowden; 10.45am, Melrose wreath-laying, followed by ecumenical service at 11am; 3pm, Darnick. Magazine deadline – Tuesday, November 15.

Phoenix Singers

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Phoenix Singers’ first concert is in the Corn Exchange on Saturday, November 19, at 7.30pm. In addition to well-known excerpts from ‘The Goldoliers’ and ‘Pirates’, conductor Nancy Muir and pianist Jim Letham will lead the voices in the Ascot Gavotte (My Fair Lady), Fiddler on the Roof, Puccini’s Humming Chorus and West Side Story, while gipsies and matadors appear from Verdi’s La Traviata. Tickets are available from Holmes Wilson (opticians) and members.


The museum may have closed (apart from catering for the occasional visitor group or school party on the phone), the walks and talks come to an end, but advertising/printing for 2017, painting, sprucing up, security enhancement and negotiating next year’s loan from National Museums are under way. Even the Trimontium Stone (erected by Sutherlands of Galashiels in 1928) has been red-lettered.


Craft fair

A craft fair will be held in the village hall on Saturday, November 12 (10am-4pm), in aid of the refurbishment of St Aidan’s Church, Morebattle. Fifteen local crafters will be selling their wares, including quilting, ceramics, refurbished knits, jams and chutneys, patchwork, woodturning, stonecarving and locally-written novels. Free tea and coffee for those who are browsing. There will also be a raffle of items made by the crafters and a demonstration of spinning at one of the stalls.

Morebattle Knitters

At the institute on Tuesday, November 15, at 2pm, a floral art demonstration by Helen Cessford will be held, plus a display of knitted articles that are sent out to the Raphael Centre in Africa.


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Members met in the institute last Thursday when president Catherine Mabon welcomed visitors from Ancrum, Jedburgh, Stichill and Yetholm guilds. She then introduced Russell Crawford, from Malawi Fruits, who delivered a talk and power-point display about the project to help tackle poverty in that country. Catherine proposed a vote of thanks.



Twenty-two members met at Adam’s Kitchen for the rural dinner. Points prizes for the year – 1, Muriel Baptie (30); 2, Jan Chetwynd (16); 3 (equal), Jan Little, Nicky Watson (14). New committee – president, Liz Howieson; vice-president, Jan Little; secretary, Gill Francombe; treasurer, Betty Rennie; points, Jan Cheytwnd; minutes/press, Alison Barker; Sheila McLaren, Mary Irving, Larraine Lord, Pat Douglas. At the December meeting, Sheila Clyne will demonstrate Christmas fare. Competitions – folded napkin and three mince pies. Friends are invited to come along to sample the goodies Sheila makes.



Seventeen members and six visitors celebrated the rural’s 92nd birthday at the October meeting. Magician Peter Pepper entertained via various tricks and illusions, with the help of some members and guests. Well done to Jackie and Lynne who eventually recovered their money which “magically” disappeared. A light supper was enjoyed and the raffle drawn. Peter Pepper judged the members’ competition – for an egg cup – 1, Lucy Agnew; 2, Sylvia Thomson; 3, Doreen Gilchrist. The visitors’ competition for a Border view was won by Mrs Bell from Humbie SWI. The next meeting is on Wednesday, November 16, at 7.30pm in Oxton village hall when Ann Clark will give a floral art demonstration featuring Christmas flowers. The competition is for a house plant.


Scout post

Selkirk Scout Group’s Christmas post runs from Saturday, November 19-Thursday, December 8. Stamps and post boxes are placed at Rodgerson’s, Cadeau, Raeburn Store and Bannerfield Store. Last day for posting is Thursday, December 8, no later than 4pm.

Camera club

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Club member Mike Reynolds spoke about his life in photography at last Wednesday night’s meeting. The following day some members headed to Penicuck to see landscape and mountain photographer Colin Prior.


Selkirkshire federation SWI is holding a meeting in the parish church hall on Tuesday, November 15, at 7pm. It will feature a demonstration of cooking with spices. Non-members are welcome.


Advice surgery

Councillors Simon Mountford and Tom Weatherston will hold a joint advice surgery in the Coronation Hall on Saturday, November 12, from 11am to noon. No appointment necessary.


Writers’ forum

Borders Writers’ Forum (BWF) is holding an Open Mic on Saturday, November 12, in the village hall. Writers – from age eight to adult – are being invited to read a five-minute excerpt of prose (roughly 700 words) or poetry, which can be from published or unpublished work. The session in the Lesser Hall runs from 2-4pm and members of the public are welcome to attend – to take part or just enjoy the spoken word. Writers wishing to book a reading slot should call 01896 850706 or 07518 381852, or email [email protected]. Playwright and novelist Catherine Czerkawska is guest speaker at the BWF’s regular meeting on Thursday, November 17, at 7.20pm. (refreshments from 7pm). She has written extensively for radio, theatre and television and, more recently, has published several historical and contemporary novels. Catherine’s new book, The Jewel, focuses on the life and times of Jean Armour, wife of Robert Burns.



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The June James Trio – comprising of singer June James, Harris Playfair (keyboard) and Ryan Playfair (drums) – will be performing on Saturday, November 19, in the village hall, starting at 8pm. Songs from the Great American Song Book will provide the backbone of the trio’s concert. The telephone number of the box office is 01573 470707.


Annie Shanks delivered an interesting and amusing talk on her experience of the selection process and participation in the BBC’s Great British Sewing Bee at this month’s meting. Gaynor Taylor proposed the vote of thanks. Competitions : Gingerbread man – 1. Brenda Waring, 2. Frances Rogers. Pin cushion – 1. Margaret Dutton, 2. Tanya Campbell, 3. Elizabeth Topp. The raffle was won by Frances Rogers. The Christmas meal will be held at Teviot Smokery from 1pm on Tuesday, December 6. Meet at the village hall at 12.15pm so that transport can be arranged.



See Newmill section.



At the AGM, the following were elected – president, Annie Coltherd; vice-president, Evelyn Horsburgh; treasurer, Shirley MacDonald; secretary, Margaret Watson; social secretary, Ena Mitchell. Committee – Linda Bradshaw, Gill Kerr, Margaret Robinson, Jane Telfer and Hannah Young. The cups for the previous year were presented, with the award for most entries going to Linda Bradshaw who also won the cup for most points, with Shirley Macdonald runner up. The AGM was followed by a taste and try. The next meeting is combined with other rurals at the Taste of Spice meeting on Tuesday, November 15, at 7pm in Selkirk Parish Church hall.


Pupils’ election

Yetholm primary school pupils are using the United States presidential election to learn about campaigning and politics. Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire MSP John Lamont told them what it is like to be a candidate ahead of their own mini-election. Mr Lamont said: “I was very happy to come to Yetholm to speak to pupils about my experience as a candidate ahead of their very own elections. The US presidential election is certainly an interesting one and the pupils were very interested in learning more about it, and how to best go about winning votes ahead of their own mini-election. As always, I was struck by how much the pupils know about the world around them and I was very impressed with their questions and enthusiasm.”

Film night

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Film night on Saturday, November 12, at 7pm in the Wauchope Hall features ‘Dads’ Army’ (PG). Doors open at 6.30pm.


The Sinfonia concert with Bowmont Singers will take place on Sunday, November 13, at 7.30pm in St Andrew’s Church, Kelso.


Members meet at 10.30am on Tuesday, November 15, in the Wauchope Hall for the AGM and illustrated talk. Competition – hand-made Christmas card.


Quiz night in the Plough Hotel is on Wednesday, November 16, at 8pm – proceeds to the British Horse Society.


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The next village lunch will take place on Thursday, November 17, at noon in the Wauchope Hall – proceeds to Yetholm School.

On song

Berwick Male Voice Choir will perform in Yetholm Church on Saturday, November 19, at 7.30pm. Tickets available in village shops – proceeds to Cheviot Churches.

Bonfire Night

Last Saturday’s Bonfire Night realised £879 which will help to keep this event on track for next year.

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