Farmers welcome rejection of plans to let lynx loose next to Borders11:55
£44m Hawick flood defence scheme hit by six-month hold-up17:51
Borders council fears it will have to make cutbacks to winter service after this year17:22
Borders weather: Alert over high winds set to batter Scotland15:17
Hawick cafe banging drum for cosiness15:02
Ali Hay is named Kelso's citizen of the year14:26
Selkirk call centre's expansion plans will create 150 jobs12:49
Cocaine seized in Galashiels during operation to stamp out drugs11:44
Jedburgh's festive market hailed a huge boost for traders10:33
IN PICTURES: Goodwill galore at Hawick's Trinity Gardens celebrations09:58
A7 reopened at Stow following early hours crash