Bowling the opposition over at Hawick

Helen Moffat, Enid Cruikshank and Gweyn Williamson – winners of the Roxburghshire SWI federation carpet bowls competition held at Hawick’s Evergreen Hall last Saturday.
Helen Moffat, Enid Cruikshank and Gweyn Williamson  winners of the Roxburghshire SWI federation carpet bowls competition held at Hawicks Evergreen HallHelen Moffat, Enid Cruikshank and Gweyn Williamson  winners of the Roxburghshire SWI federation carpet bowls competition held at Hawicks Evergreen Hall
Helen Moffat, Enid Cruikshank and Gweyn Williamson  winners of the Roxburghshire SWI federation carpet bowls competition held at Hawicks Evergreen Hall

There will be a federation show meeting held at the Jedburgh Thistle clubrooms on Monday, March 11, beginning at 7pm.

Competitions for the spring rally on Monday, May 20: jug of flowers, knitted wrist warmers, three fairy cakes, photograph – ‘spring’. Institute entries – two Aberdeen butteries and a decorated flower pot (maximum size 8 inches).

Anyone interested in joining the SWI should get in touch with Ann Redpath (01573 440268).