Tapestry decision set to be review

The Great Tapestry of Scotland.The Great Tapestry of Scotland.
The Great Tapestry of Scotland.
The decision to site a visitor centre for the Great Tapestry of Scotland at Tweedbank’s industrial estate is to be reviewed by Scottish Borders Council’s watchdog scrutiny committee.

The request has come from Ettrick and Yarrow Community Council.

The rural body is seeking a review of “the whole process through which the decision appears to have been taken by SBC councillors”.

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In particular, the community council wants the committee to “scrutinise the extent to which a full option appraisal was undertaken of all possible sites and that the detailed business case was presented for all options prior to any decision being made”.

Scrutiny committee chairman Councillor Gavin Logan said the review would take place “as soon as is practicably possible”.

Meanwhile, SBC’s planning application for the new building has now elicited 57 letters of objection with, as yet, no individual submissions of support.

The bid is due to be considered by the council’s planning committee on either September 7 or October 5.