Turner And Townsend scoop top local government prize

Councillor John Mitchell (left) and James Darries (right) with Turner and Townsends awardCouncillor John Mitchell (left) and James Darries (right) with Turner and Townsends award
Councillor John Mitchell (left) and James Darries (right) with Turner and Townsends award
A team of project management consultants has scooped a top local government award for their work with Scottish Borders Council.

Turner & Townsend - a global programme management and construction consultancy with offices in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen – won the Excellence in Customer Support Award at the recent Supplier Excellence Awards held by Scotland Excel, the centre of procurement expertise for local government.

The company secured the award for its collaborative work with the council on a diverse range of transport, school, infrastructure and housing projects including the Great Tapestry Project, Galashiels Transport Interchange, Borders Business Park, Kelso High School and a National Housing Trust project. This relationship was strengthened by a decision to co-locate a five person project management team within the council headquarters.

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The Supplier Excellence Awards is the first programme of its kind in public procurement, and honours suppliers who demonstrate excellence through their participation in Scotland Excel’s national framework contracts which are worth nearly £700 million per annum.

Neil McCowan, Director of Turner & Townsend, said: We are exceptionally proud of our team based within Scottish Borders Council. Having them located there has supported communication and engagement with stakeholders across the organisation, provided valuable insight into the council’s operations and improved our responsiveness.

Councillor John Mitchell, Scottish Borders Council’s Depute Leader (with responsibility for Finance) and member of Scotland Excel’s joint committee, said: “I am delighted that Turner and Townsend received this award for Excellence in Customer Support in recognition of their project management support work with Scottish Borders Council on a range of major projects in the area

“Turner and Townsend enhance the excellent project management expertise we already have in-house at Scottish Borders Council, and they work with our staff as a truly collaborative team.